Quilt Along und Frage


Zuerst hier mal meine Hausaufgabe von Leah. Diesmal war Goldilocks an der Reihe. Da ich leider gerade nichts da hatte, um das Design auszuprobieren, habe ich es auf ein Probestückchen gequiltet. Das Probestückchen habe ich mir gemacht, um beim Nähmaschinenkauf auszuprobieren, ob und wie FMQ mit den verschiedenen Maschinen funktioniert.

First my homework by Leah. This time, Goldilocks was his turn. Unfortunately I just had nothing there to try out the design, so I have quilted a test piece. The test piece I made to try the sewing machine purchase, whether and how FMQ works with the various machines.

Viele Lagen und Übergänge zum Probieren der Maschinen 😉


Und dann habe ich noch eine Frage an euch. Ich habe mir Stargazer genäht, bin mir jetzt aber unsicher, in welcher Farbe ich den Rand machen soll.

And then I’ve got a question for you. I sewed Stargazer, but now am not sure in which color I should make the border.


 Was meint ihr? Schwarz finde ich schön, habe aber Angst, dass es zu dunkel wird.
What do you think? I find the black beautiful, but I fear that it is too dark.

15 Kommentare bei „Quilt Along und Frage“

  1. Mir gefällt der rote Hintergrund am Besten.
    LG Katja(quilt)

  2. Sieht ja toll aus. Mir gefaellt der rote und der schwarze Hintergrund am besten.

  3. Hallo, ich meine auch, rot oder schwarz, da kommen die Farben am besten zur Geltung! Bei schwarz leuchten sie noch etwas mehr!!!
    Liebe Grüße von Regina

  4. Goldilocks looks wonderful! And your Stargazer looks great – I vote for black or red. ~Jeanne

  5. Your Goldilocks quilting looks beautiful on the quilt!

  6. My vote is for the orange. It allows all aspects of star gazer to shine and draws the eye back to the center of the block. If you were to go with the black you would see only the star.

  7. Great job on Goldilocks. I like the blue background as that makes elements of the star look like they are floating on the background. It's like a kaleidoscope effect.

    I originally misunderstood your post and thought you had stars already on each of these colors and was picking a border color for a quilt with all these different stars. If you are going to make more stars for a wall hanging or quilt, you could use two or more background colors and create a secondary design element that way.

    1. Good idea! It's saved in my mind for next year…

  8. I like the red the best! Is it the same red as you used in the block? It makes it look like the red is locking the block in somehow – very cool!


    1. Yes, it's the same red. Hand-dyed 😉

  9. I love the orange the best – it just seems more vibrant and the block really pops.

  10. I like the red! Great job on Goldilocks!

  11. Schwarz! Sehr kühn. 🙂

  12. How beautiful and amazing that the blocks change appearance in direct relation to the background. I vote for the black. It looks as if the star is floating, but black and orange are my two new favorites. It'll be gorgeous no matter which you pick.

    1. Thanks! It's so hard to decide!

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